Eilir Jones & Jina Gwyrfai
Dyma gasgliad cynhwysfawr o 24 o ganeuon newydd i blant a phobl ifainc. Mae pob cân yn trin thema o’r Beibl mewn ffordd gyfoes gyda chyfeiliant piano syml a chordiau gitâr.
Mae'r deunydd yma’n addas i blant ychwanegu offerynnau taro a meim yn ogystal ag ymchwilio i hanesion a chefndir y caneuon yn y Beibl. Gall y gyfrol fod yn addas i’w defnyddio fel sail i wers ehangach neu gywaith. Cewch ddefnyddio’r caneuon yn y dosbarth, mewn gwasanaeth neu gyngerdd.
Tro at yr Iesu
Hwn yw Fy Annwyl Fab
Wyneb Hapus
Cysga Moses
Dilyn Iesu Grist
Rhyddha Fy Mhobl i
Jacob, Jacob
Y Ddafad Golledig
Josua a goncrodd
Gair Duw (Mair a Martha)
Bugail oedd Dafydd
Eleias a Phroffwydi Baal
Uwch na'r Mynydd Mawr
Shadrach, Mesach ac Abednego
Y Ddau Dŷ
Crist Fu Farw
Roedd Saul yn Flin
Saul o Darsus
A comprehensive collection of 24 new songs for children. Each song has a simple piano accompaniment together with guitar chords and deals with a Biblical theme in a contemporary style.
The volume contains lively material which is sure to prove popular with children. Songs such as Noa, Dilyn Iesu Grist and Uwch na'r Mynydd Mawr have already been established as firm favourites having been performed and recorded by many schools.
The songs provide ample opportunity for children to add percussion and mime, as well as researching to the background of the songs in the Bible. The book can be used as a basis for extension or project work and the songs work equally well in a classroom situation or in an assembly or concert.
This book is in Welsh only.
Additional information
Weight | 245 g |